Whether you believe it or not, accept it or not, understand it or not, agree with it or not, but the truth will ever remain as truth, irrespective of the source it comes from. That being said, let us provide you some key facts that would help you understand as to why it is imperative for you to study Statistics or better still, move one step high in mastering it.

We live in a world where the status quo of all existing things have changed. This would include, Education too. There was a time when people thought that the greater the string of Degrees that followed their name, the greater would be their market value.

So, parents invested great sums of money into the education of their sons and daughters, so much so, this convention made the lives of many parents, poverty stricken. The children were no better, they too struggled in the way of fulfilling their obligations by serving out their lives on pittance pay scales.

It is said, the difference between a Successful person and a mediocre is that the Successful person always spends his time on things that matters him the most, on the contrary, a mediocre person, spends time on things that others consider important.

In fact the primary reason most of us got our selves enrolled in Universities and colleges was not out of personal desires and interests but because of Compulsions from friends and families or worse still from society pressures.

The truth of the matter for majority is that, we spent our best of times on things that least mattered to us or even profited us. Thus we ended up with the majority, that would be broke, scared and insulted.

Why majority are broke ?

It is often said, that if you were to observe 100 individuals when they started joining the workforce, by the time they were 55, 50% would be living on welfare and 49 % would be dead broke, while just 1% would have become rich. The data gets even more alarming with the increase in sample size, with more than 98 % ending up in abject poverty.

The reasons are simple, as majority had no clue as to why they started off doing the things they never liked in the first place. In fact, most did these things just to enable them the ability to pay their bills and keep their roofs, apart from that there was no essence of life left to sustain growth and facilitate creativity.

One of the major woes of Old age is employment. In fact, most go broke within the first year of their retirement and develop health issues withing the first 6 months of staying home. This would merely boil down to the conclusion that the Employment and Longevity are closely associated. This conclusion is reaffirmed when it was found that the average life span after retirement is 6 years.

Why do doctors live long ?

Have you ever wondered, why doctors live long? It is said, Smoking kills, too much Alcohol is damaging to the liver, and these coupled together reduces life expectancy drastically than walking on a mine field.

But studies have shown that most doctors drink, and in fact, most drink and smoke, yet they live a considerable long life. It is not that, doctors are blessed because of their good deeds, in fact, most doctors, neither update their qualifications nor upgrade their domain expertise and merely sail on with their once obtained qualification that was probably a generation old.

Still further, most doctors don’t actually specialize in providing Cures but in the treatment of the sickness. Thus with all these negative parameters stacked against, yet still, this profession tops the longevity list.

The reasons are simple. There is no Retirement age for a doctor. This would mean, being a doctor in itself is a life long profession. This further confirms the correlation between Life Expectancy and Employment.

How would Statistics improve your Life Expectancy ?

It is clearly agreed upon that Life Expectancy and Employment have strong Correlation. In brevity, the longer you are employed, the greater the joys of life you get to experience.

There are however a few professions that promises indefinite Employment and among them, Statistics occupies the higher Strata.

The reasons are simple. With the advancement of the Internet, everything Digital have replaced the actual real world enterprises. Among them being the Industry of Shopping. Today, E-Commerce, or E-Shopping is a Multi Billion dollar industry. What was started as a simple Postal delivery system has now revolutionized the way we shop around.

With most of the mega shoppers shutting down their physical stores and going online, businesses are pumping in billions into online advertising, exploring all parameters that goes into determining a Customer’s mind set. With ever rising emotional shoppers, the need to predict has never been so much in demand now than it was ever.

Statistics every where

So from Product feed back to Market research, from Customer behavioral patterns to shopping trends, everything has varied degrees of Statistics embedded within.

Since Statistics itself is a high end technical area requiring a very high degree of Mental clarity and precision, Not many opt for reasons of the subject’s complexity and the fear the subject poses. This would mean that there is a ever growing scarcity for qualified professionals, which augments with every passing year.

Now the current Industry demands for Qualified Statistics professionals stands at 3 : 1, meaning, every qualified professional has at least 3 job offers to choose from. The icing on the cake to all these opening is this, there is no specification of Age limit for any of the available positions. That would mean, if an individual has the drive and is qualified, the Industry welcomes him or her, with open arms.

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