How different is our Teaching?

How different is our Teaching?

We live in a day and age where education has become seriously Commercialized. Are you aware of the fee structure that International Schools charge for a Grade 1, student? The fee alone is around 30,000 USD, this not including the list of activities, field trips, snacks, commutations, textbooks, exams, and a whole lot of Miscellaneous.

Parents go to great lengths just to ensure that their Children get the best of the best education that they could buy, there is nothing wrong with this desire as well as in the Action, except for the amount of resources that one would have to have at their disposal for covering all of these expenses.

Of Course, at the end of the day, we all want our Children to have a rounded development and far excel their peers as well as their counterparts. This is where the problem comes up, at least if you are looking for ways to ensure that your Child exceeds the expectations of the set age and Curriculum.

Such expectations are fairly acceptable and more so should be welcomed. Otherwise what different would it make if your Child does everything and anything that is done by Children of his or her age groups.

So the point we are trying to make here is this, Schooling is important and good, but the underlying problem that goes unaddressed is that it runs on a pre-designed model which was handed out and more so was originally purposed for something else.

The future belongs to those who are prepared

The Characteristics of school system is that their blueprint assumption that, one Size fits all, which in today’s world would not be able gain mileage. Just imagine you have the intention of preparing your Child for the oncoming Challenges of the AI world, to face the Job market, to obtain jobs that would reward with good pay and perks. Then in that case, if you were to put your Child amidst the group, and then on, build expectations that your school would automatically gear up to meet the demands and expectations of the coming world, by adopting methods and techniques that can not only train but impart an education of the future, then, you should be dreaming, for this is never going to happen, for the simple fact that school systems are not built to meet futuristic demands, merely to the fact that they are not well equipped to meet custom demands of a child who has the aspiration and the vision to break away from the multitude.

As famously as said, “The outcome is predictable”

For if you do exactly what everybody in the group does, you will exactly get the same outcome as everybody gets. The take home point, if you were to practice exactly 2 hours everyday at the basket ball court, just like the manner that your team members do, then you will always have the same probability of being picked up to play as your other team members have.

This is no Rocket Science

So make the decision today, if you want your child to become different, to have that much important edge over others, then give your child that edge. As it is always said, the secret of getting Ahead in life, is getting a Start. So give that start to your Child, and you will enjoy the final outcomes.

Why should use Our Services

We want your Child to succeed. Thus our plan of approach is to give you more than you had wanted. Our platform solves questions for a small fee and as additional complement we gives Free access to students for SAT, preparation. If you child is interested in GRE, TOEF, IELTS, GMAT, we also give free access for test taking services.

We understand your Vision and your desire that you want your Child to succeed, and more so the Gargantuan fee that you have committed to pay at your Child’s school, and the last thing we want is you suffer a break down, because of another recurring gargantuan fee. So our team has this philosophy that Education that is delivered with a Purpose would always find ways to fund itself.

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