Courses for which we accept Homework/ Assignment Questions

Grade 8

Grade 8 is a crucial stage where great interests starts to get acquired. If the conditioning is good then great Rewards are bound to occur. Provide your Child with that Edge, the Right Environment, the Right Tutors. We at Stanford.School, go that extra mile to ensure that your Trust and your Investment, provides your Child with boundless rewards and Returns, earning you the Satisfaction of a responsibility well done.

Grade 9

This when the actual Higher Level Mathematics starts. The introduction of Trigonometry and the Higher order Algebra, starts to increase the demands on the Student's part which would involve long hours of focused Practice and simulated test taking. However the need to those additional help and assistance from Online Education would form the buffer and cushioning effect thus setting the pace for greater Challenges .

Grade 10

With the foundation from Grade 9 in place, the Math and Stats that Grade 10 students would face would serve to augment the Student's train of Scientific thought process, preparing them for Higher Academic Pursuits. It is here that an extra assistance and help in form of Online Homework Assistance and Problem solving help, would come in as a boon for every aspiring student .

The Higher Mathematics

Grade 11

Grade 11 , is when the real Heat of Higher level Mathematics starts to achieve its Momentum. Problems, Quizzes, Homework and Challenges, would require greater dedication and commitment from the Student's part. What greater gift would you give other than to lessen the ordeals of your Child by gifting with Providential guidance from Stanford.School, Homework help and Supportive Assistance.

Grade 12

This is the stage where all of the preparation achieves Fruition. The time when a Student adorns the Armour of Mathematical tools to take the world on. Thus it is very imperative for Parents to provide their Children all of the Care in the form of Online Homework Support. The better and the versatile choice that would not only serve the purpose for their children but would Motivate them to win the Race with flying colors.

K-12 and Key stages of all UK-Schools

More Focus, More Practice

We are well Experienced in dealing with the demands of K-12 and Key Stages, when it comes to helping Students solve their Homework and Math Challenges. Given the magnitude and the demands of the Curriculum, our Experts adopt a step by step, Problem solving approach, there by ensuring that the Student understands every Jot presented in the Solution.

A Levels

Greater the Stakes, Greater the Rewards

Very few Curriculum can be as rewarding as A-levels. With international Accreditation and Global opportunities to pursue Higher education anywhere in the world, the Curriculum allows little room for error, specially when it comes to Mathematics. The Math Exam serves to Test every Cognitive Fraternity of the Student, thus leaving no Stone un turned. The best possibility for a student to succeed would be to develop Problem Solving Skills. However, what better choice could there be other than to grant your Child the Opportunity to avail the services of Stanford.School, for sharpening their Problem Solving Skill sets.


Where Practical Application and Problem solving matters

The IB curriculum caters to the practical aspect of the Math subject. The Curriculum offers the Challenges of A-levels but with a twist. Students are expected to provide the thought and the working process of a Situation. Thus any student who is an IB-graduate will have a free way . But success in the Curriculum, specially in Math, would require, Dedication, Perseverance and Hard work, plus that additional icing in the form of Homework assistance from Stanford.School, would just be sufficient to grant in the Key that would Open the world full of opportunities.

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