Business Mathematics Courses

What is the most important thing in your life that you treasure? If you were to ask this to 100 different people, you will receive 100 different answers.

But only from focused people, you will receive the answer as “Time”. It is said, you can always use Time to buy Gold, but can never use Gold to buy Time. Such is the priceless worth of Time, yet most seem to throw it away or dissipate it on useless endeavors or leisure.  

It is indeed true when the Good book said, that man has an appointed time on this Earth, and it is the duty of each and every one of us to effectively use the time given unto us in Industry and Commerce.

So that our time may be used to develop skill sets that we could exchange for money, which would in turn benefit us and our families, that we may enjoy the time on this beautiful planet called Earth in abundance.

Education is Indispensable but has become beyond the reach of the commoner, for all of today’s Education is very Expensive

Education is indispensable, however, we live in a world that has totally commercialized Education. Nothing is free, and more so the cost of securing Quality and Scalable education is never cheap.

Take for example the Field of Information Technology and Computer Sciences. To say, everyday you have a new course coming up in this field, would be an understatement. For the best way to say would be, Every minute you have a new course popping out.

In brevity you might have spent a fortune in learning Informix, the database management tool, but today it is obsolete. No one really uses it, and if one does, then they are an illustration to the fact that they have not kept up with changing times.

Invest in Education that stands the Test of Time

So the take home point is this, invest in Education that would last your life time. For you are not going to have the luxury of studying all of your life as many of these Universities propose this idea of “Life Long learning”. If for illustration we one ought to embark on this so called “life long learning stream”, then all one would do in his or her lifetime is, Learn, Learn and Learn and nothing more or nothing less and we don’t have the luxury of time in our pockets.

For the things to learn is Ocean wide and Sky high-Albert Einstein

For the things to learn is liken to the Ocean and no one person or a group can claim they know all of the Knowledge that abounds the Universe. The best example would be the case of Albert Einstein, who when asked as to how he managed to come up with his theories, he simply remarked, “for I stand on the shoulders of giants”, meaning, he merely provided an update of the already existing principle. More so, inspite of Einstein’s innovative theories, most of his arguments and conjectures were challenged by his own students and remains debatable to this day.

Time is Money, so use it wisely

The take home point is this, Time costs money and money has become a commodity which is as expensive as time and valuable as Oxygen. So, if you have any idea to spend the next best part of your life on “Life long learning”, then take it from us, at the end of the tunnel, you will end up, dead broke, without a single soul standing by you to weep at your pain. For life is more than learning and accumulation of knowledge, life is building relationships, love, care, joy, peace and brotherly concerns for one and another.

Life is short, so plan it well

So how would you be able to do all of these that life got to offer? Simple, the answer is, learn Business Mathematics. It is always said that the world has two different sets of people, “Leaders” and “Managers”. The difference between the two gets broader right from the start. For a Leader would always pick his choices. While a Manager will wait for others to hand him the choices.

Difference between Leaders and Managers

Why did we say that, for we live in an age where we have countless choices abounding us, bombarding us, especially in the field of Education.

New courses, New programs, new areas, new specializations, and the New never seems to stop. Students are always drawn towards new things, especially in this day and age, where good guidance and Mentors are harder to find. So these groups of people are easily swayed by the attractive seductive words from course directors and course supervisors, who in the very first place never had even the slightest clue as to what these courses hold and more so have had no first hand experiences of even pursuing them.

So the much important question to ask here would be, “why on earth would any intellectual fraternity, in the right mind would promote something like this, when they had never had any first hand experiences of pursuing me?” Well, the answer is provided in the succeeding paragraph.

The Idea is Money and ensuring their Existence

The sole idea and objective is merely to increase subscription for the course and nothing else. Why do they do that? For their livelihood depended on that. Without an acceptable course subscription levels, the course would be shuttered out and that would mean, No grants, No aid, and No department.

In brevity, their position as Course directors, as Course coordinators, and deans, will cease. So when it comes to your own survival what would you do? Use all of the sweet and sugar coated words to lure students, who liken unto a lamb led to the slaughter, march, following the crowd, to do the course that which would soon become obsolete with merely their credentials hanging as an antique on their bedroom walls. Of course, each of these students did the very best in their course, and secured the highest possible GPA, but all in vain. They did their best to that which was handed on to them- Great managers but Poor leaders.

The Leaders carve out their Path

While coming to other group. These include people who would study the past reputation of a course in all detail, then observe the current trend and then move forward into making up their choices. They will not be swayed; neither can sugary words dissuade them from their objectives.

They know what they want and they stick to it all through. New trends and new courses will always be viewed by this group with introspective observations and apprehensiveness.

Thus, when you know what you want, you will also know what to do with the thing once you have it in your hands. In other words, this group will also carry a blueprint of their goals and will work meticulously on it, Night and day, Rain or shine.


Today, our objective is to address to our Readers who are future Leaders about this ancient course that has stood the test of Time and Technology. The course is Business Mathematics.

What good would it do to you if you have the best business in town and at the end of the day you see nothing but loss and more loss. Soon you would be out of focus, and very soon even out of Business and the worse part of life would be that, even your family would abandon you.

So, you need to get this straight. Your survival and sustenance depends on how well you run your business. For this you not only need a healthy mind but a sound knowledge of Business Mathematics.

It is imperative to understand, if you were to consider the background of all business Tycoons, you will be appalled at their dexterity and swiftness when it comes to Business Mathematics.

For if one is unable to visualize his or her scalability of business using the power of Business Mathematics, it is highly unlikely that one would design strategies for his or her Business growth upkeep.

For growth symbolizes life and when growth becomes absent, decay sets in. So these Tycoons knew it all, and that is the very point we are trying to get across.

Final insights

The greatness about this course, Business Mathematics, is the fact that they never go out of trend. The concepts had withstood the test of time and technology and will do so for ages to come. The formula that was used to Calculate Compound interest was the same when your granddad set his foot on this planet and will probably be the same even when your last grandchild will play the hopscotch at your yard.

In brevity, concepts and trends so forecasted in Business Mathematics will ever be the same.

The Good News

So that being said, we are the carrier of this good news, the good news that would change your life forever. Why? because, once you know what you want and know how to obtain it, you have already half won the battle called, “Life”.

For it is said, the majority are still searching that single tool that would change their lives, and the worse part is that they are in their 50s and still smiling and searching. There is nothing wrong in that, but the major problem is this, that life doesn’t wait for you or for me , but moves in and replaces with the right person when we do not act.

That is why the Good book says, he who has more is given more and he who has not, even his cloak shall be taken away. This is so true and for the truth of the matter this is the hard reality that you will find on every streets of cosmopolitan cities.

In the interest of time and money spent in this post, we wish to conclude this here in driving home that important point, which is, “your choices will determine your success and failure”. So, make informed choices, learn Business Mathematics, and what more, learn it from the Leader.


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